Monday, September 22, 2008

Delicious (17)

I signed up for delicious account and added some book marks. It's good being able to save book marks in delicious rather then on the computer.
It's amazing what book marks are save on delicious. I take a look at others and found some good websites.

My space and Facebook (12)

I took a look at my space and face book and set up a face book account. I found some of my work colleagues and invited them then as friends. I also added the JSTORE appplication to my face book home page.
I think face book and my space are good ways for libraries to reach out to young people although they may feel like we are invading their space.

Library Blogs (11)

Today I subscribed to an Australian library blog, libraries interact and I also added a widget for it to blog.

Thursday, September 18, 2008 (10)

I added feed from to my google reader. There were too many feeds and the news was about topic that I am not interested in. I prefered to read the news paper.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Igoogle (16)

I had already started to play with my Igoogle page. I changed the theme of it so it looked very different. Today I added many gadgets to the page, the map and book search, Facebook, google docs and wikipedia. It was very easy to add the gadgets, but I probably won't use them that much. But I expect that some of our students would like them very much.

Google book search and Google scholar search (15)

Today I look at google book search and found the book that I want to look at.
I was able to look inside the book and see several pages. It's was easy to use.

I also use Scholar to search for article that mention victoria university. There was close to 1 million. Using scholar I found only academic works.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Google reader (10)

I set up google reader and added some feeds to some the 23 things blog. I find it 's easy to do it with a little help. It is a good way to keep up with what others are writing on their blogs. I probably won't use it at home.

ImageChef (7)

I have fun playing with imageChef and I did put some words for my pink flowers, I will have an other stamp haha....